Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hi, My name is Brandy Moorman. I'm from Mississippi and currently live in Hattiesburg. I began painting almost a year ago in the hopes of adding an art degree to my English major within a year and a half period. In that process, the head of the local arts' council offered a fellow student and I the opportunity for a duo exhibition!

The opportunity quickly became one of the most unique learning experiences of my life. While I love the creative side of art, I soon found out that much more goes into creating an art show than just painting. (If that weren't enough!)

My grandfather and I endured the many questioning glances from the Home Depot employees as we sorted through the massive woodpiles in search of perfectly straight 2 X 4's. Many hours of cutting and assembling canvas stretchers, priming canvas, and finally sighing a relief after picking up a paint brush to paint turned into a show.

The lesson in all of this:
it CAN be done.

I worked 20 hours a week, had a full time class load with all studio classes, plus kept up with all the other details that come with life, and still somehow put on a purple dress and walked into the opening of the show. Most anything can be done with one word in mind GUMPTION.

I only had the basic art classes, no clue of how art shows come together or how to build my own canvases 7 months before the opening of the show. I was surrounded by people who encouraged me and helped me with all the details I had no way of knowing.

There's no manual or Art Shows for Dummies (I checked).

The day of the opening, it was worth all the hard work. It was worth taking risks in the beginning that it may fail or that I may not even be able to paint at all. It was important to understand that any show, especially a first, is just a step along the way. Hopefully through this blog and our Youtube channel we can help other artists learn to take the first step of many.